UNWE Students Visit MARS Armor factory in April 2019
On April 5th, 2019 students of the “Economics of the Defence and Security” specialty in the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, along with few of their professors, visited the factory of MARS Armor.
Mr. Kosta Saraydarov, Commercial Director of MARS Armor, gave an impressive presentation about the company’s values, and principles in organizing the production processes, distribution and placement of the products. The bachelors participated in a tour in the factory to learn more about the stages of production of the ballistic protection equipment – vests, plates, shields and helmets. They were especially curious about the tests performed in the in-house ballistic laboratory of MARS Armor, where we test materials and products for ballistic resistance, according to the international standards (NIJ 0101.04 and 0101.06, 0108.01, 0106.01 and others).
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Head of Department “National and Regional Security” and Dean of the Faculty of “Economics of Infrastructure”, assisted in organizing the visit, which was very beneficial for the students to see real life management and production activities in companies from the Bulgarian defense industry.